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A 40 year old male patient with slurred speech and weakness of B/l upper and lower limbs

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 40 year old male patient came to the casualty complaining of slurred speech and and weakness of bilateral upper and lower limbs.

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back then he had slurred speech and paralysis of right hand and deviation of mouth to the left, and diagnosed with CVA and got treated in a local hospital and used some herbal medication for the same for 3 years and stopped. He is apparently alright since then.5 days back he had vomitings for 2 days (7 to 8 episodes per day) food as content for which he was treated in a local hospital. 

Yesterday night on 4/7/2023 he again developed slurred speech and weakness in bilateral upper limbs and  lowerlimbs due to which he is unable to walk and got admitted in local hospital  where they have  diagnosed  them with CVA.

Past history:

Patient is a known case of CVA

Not a known case of Hypertension, DM, asthma epilepsy, CAD 

Personal history:




Bowel and bladder movements-regular 

Addictions- alcohol intake since 30 years (90ml),decreased consumption since 6 years alcohol intake 10 days back. Tobacco chewing since 30 years.

Family history:

Not significant 

General examination:

Patient is conscious,coherant, cooperative 

Moderately nourished and ill built .

No pallor,Icterus, cyanosis,  clubbing lymphadenopathy, edema







Systemic examination:

Central nervous system:

Oriented to time,place,person

Speech: slurred

Cranial nerves: 


2- vision: normal

3,4,6- normal(no restriction of movements of eye)

5-normal( muscles of mastication+sensations of face)

7- buccinator weak on left side, deviation of mouth to Right.

8- didn't elicit


Motor- tone -normal

Power- upper limb           lower limbs 

Right        4/5                             5/5

Left           3/5                            -4/5

Reflexes :

biceps:             3+                       3+

Triceps:                 3+                 3+

Supinator:         3+               3+

Knee:        3+                     3+

Ankle:             2+               2+

Plantar:         withdrawal           extension

Sensory examination:

Spinothalamic tract:    Right         left

     Crude touch                     +               +

     Pain                                   +               +

     Temperature                    +              +

Posterior column:     

      Fine touch                       +                +


           Olecrenon               8 sec         9 sec

           Supinator                7 sec          9 sec

           Shaft of tibia            8 sec          9 30 sec

           Medial malleolus    7 sec           7 sec  

     Joint position                  +                decreased 


     Graphesthesia                 +                 +

     Stereognosis                    +                 +

     tactile sensation              +                +

Gait : ataxic gait

Provisional diagnosis:

Hemiparesis ( left>right ) secondary  to acute infarct  in left cerebellum.

K/c/o right upper limb monoplegia secondary to infarct in left parietal, occipital  and thalamuc regions(resolving).


1. Inj. THIAMINE 200 mg Iv/stat

2. Tab. ASPIRIN 75 mg +CLOPIDOGREL 75 mg +ATORVASTATIN 20mg po/hs 9 pm 



Date of discharge:7-7-2023

A 40 year old male patient came to the casualty complaining of slurred speech and and weakness of bilateral upper and lower limbs.

 Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back then he had slurred speech and paralysis of right hand and deviation of mouth to the left, and diagnosed with CVA and got treated in a local hospital and used some herbal medication for the same for 3 years and stopped. He is apparently alright since then.5 days back he had vomitings for 2 days (7 to 8 episodes per day) food as content for which he was treated in a local hospital. 

Yesterday night on 4/7/2023 he again developed slurred speech and weakness in bilateral upper limbs and lowerlimbs due to which he is unable to walk and got admitted in local hospital where they have diagnosed them with CVA.

Psychiatry referral done on 7-7-2023 i/v/o alcohol dependence:


1.patient and od were counseled and psychoeducated

2.Harmful effects of substances explained to patient and od.

3. Tab pregabalin 75mg   x-------x------1

4. Tab. Benfothiamine 100mg    x-------1-------x

5. Nico gums 2mg/SOS 




Haemoglobin 13.9gm/dl

TLC:8,100cells/cu mm

Platelet:2.02 lakhs/cumm 


S. Creat: 1mg/dl

Blood urea: 23mg/dl

Na: 139




T. Bilirubin:1.14

D. Bilirubin:0.33

ALP: 141


Albumin: 3.7


Hba1c: 6.5g%

CT brain:


Hemiparesis ( left>right ) secondary to acute infarct in left Sub cortical region 

K/c/o right upper limb monoplegia secondary to infarct in left parietal, occipital and thalamic region(resolving).

1. Inj. THIAMINE 200 mg Iv/stat

2. Tab. ASPIRIN 75 mg +CLOPIDOGREL 75 mg +ATORVASTATIN 20mg po/hs 9 pm 


1.Tab. ECOSPRIN GOLD (75,75,20mg) po/hs 9 pm 

2. Tab pregabalin 75mg   x-------x------1

3.Tab. Benfothiamine 100mg    x-------1-------x

4. Nico gums 2mg/SOS 


Review after 2 weeks to General medicine op and psychiatry op



Ward :AMC

Unit : 3

DOA : 05/07/2023  

A 40 year old male patient with slurred speech and weakness of b/l upper and lower limbs since 1day

S : slurred speech and weakness of b/l upper and lower limbs improved compared to yesterday

-Dry cough while drinking water.

-Stools passed 2 days back


Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative  

No pallor , icterus , clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy, oedema 

Vitals :   

BP- 140/70mmHg 

PR -82 bpm 

RR-20 cpm 

Temperature -afebrile 


Systemic examination:

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender,No organomegaly

Central nervous system:

Oriented to time,place,person

Speech: slurred

Cranial nerves: 


2- vision: normal

3,4,6- normal(no restriction of movements of eye)

5-normal( muscles of mastication+sensations of face)

7- buccinator weak on left side, deviation of mouth to left.

8- didn't elicit


Motor- tone -normal

Power-          upper limb           lower limbs 

             Right              4/5         5/5

             Left                 3/5        -4/5

Reflexes :

biceps:                    3+            3+

Triceps:                   3+           3+

Supinator:              3+            3+

Knee:                        3+           3+

Ankle:                       2+            2+

Plantar :       withdrawal           extensor

Sensory examination:

Spinothalamic tract:           Right     left

     Crude touch                       +           +

     Pain                                    +          +

     Temperature                     +          +

Posterior column:     

      Fine touch                        +         +

    Joint position                     +     decreased 


     Graphesthesia               +           + 

    Stereognosis                    +           + 

     tactile sensation             +           + 


Hemiparesis ( left>right ) secondary  to acute infarct  in left Sub cortical region 

K/c/o right upper limb monoplegia secondary to infarct in left parietal, occipital  and thalamic region(resolving).


1. Inj. THIAMINE 200 mg in 100ml NS Iv/BD

2. Tab. ECOSPRIN GOLD (75,75,20mg) po/hs 9 pm


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