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1801006043 LONG CASE

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 13 year old female patient who is resident of Suryapet  came to the opd with chief complaints of shortness of breath since 3days and vomitings at night 3 days back(13-3-2023).


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2years back she was then sent to hostel when she noticed bilateral swellings in the neck around 5 in number which where painless

She also had fever Which was insidious in onset,intermittent with evening rise of temperature which relieved with medication.

She also had cough which was dry and non productive, no hemoptysis ,relieved with medication from RMP (cough syrup).

She had all these symptoms for 2 to 3 months 

Then she consulted RMP and he gave them medication probably ATT because her mother has tuberculosis 

Swellings size decreased and symptoms were relieved.

But the fever was progressively increasing despite regular treatment so they told rmp about it and stopped using ATT.

And RMP suggested them to go for checkup in hospital and they went to hospital in Hyderabad and got tested (fnac,cancer tests, tb tests, mantoux, sputum culture, cbnaat).

And got admitted for 10 days and recieved symptomatic treatment 

(She also had complaints of joint pains wrist and knee)

They suspected it to be automimmune and started her on hydroxychloroquine and wysolone tab which they used for 15 days. 

ANA ELISA equivocal

ANA IFA negative 


ANTI DS DNA IFA negative

She went back home 

In June 2022 she started developing pigmentation/rash over face which then was seen on scalp evident because of hair loss and on trunk since 3 months,not associated with itching.

And also pedal edema upto ankles which then progressed till knee in 3 months,pitting type.

Then she was taken to area hospital and got tested and the attender(father) was informed that she has tuberculosis. 

LN biopsy was done

Mycobacterial gene expert test was done.

So they started her on ATT and recieved regular treatment for 6months.

Her symptoms settled and she was fine until January 10 when she develop generalized edema.

They went to another hospital and got tested and was told to have proteinuria.

In January and February she had mild fever and 

1 week back she developed fever and edema again.

On 13 March she had episodes of vomiting 4 episodes ,food as content, non bilious and non projectile.

She also developed sob grade 2 and they got her here at 5.30 -6 am.

In 5th class her weight was 28kgs then in 6th class 23kgs,8th class 21 kgs

After ATT treatment her weight got improved to 23kgs that is last year

In December 26kgs,yesterday it was 25kgs.


In 5th she went to hostel

During 7th class she started having these symptoms

After 7th she stopped school as it got worse and she was frequently visiting hospitals.

She went to hostel again after her ATT treatment and subsidence of symptoms in December.

Was fine until January and she came back home again .

In hostel previously :

5 am wake up

Gets ready by 6 am

6:30 am to the ground for yoga,exercises 

7 am ragi Java

7.30 am prayer 

8am classes 

9.15 am breakfast 

Classes until 1.30

1.30 to 2.30 lunch

2.30 to 4.30 study hour

4.30 to 5 snacks

5.00 to 6 pm walking ,playing 

6 to 6.30 prayer

7 pm dinner

Till 9 pm study hour

9pm sleep 

At home :

6am wake up

7 am tea

Breakfast and fruits 


Sleeps until afternoon

2.30 to 3 lunch

2 months after taking ATT her appetite was increased and she ate more food ,more frequently (5times a day).

Walking exercises 

Eve 6pm fruits

Songs prayers

8pm dinner

9pm sleep


She is a known case of Tuberculosis 1year back.

Not a known case of Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, epilepsy, CAD.


History of ATT therapy 1 year back for 6 months.



Appetite: normal

Bowel bladder movements oliguria, bowel normal

Sleep decreased

Addictions none


Mother was diagnosed with TB in 2014 and 

Used ATT course was not taken completely.

She used ATT when she had symptoms for 1 to 2 weeks

And stopped after symptoms subside

Symptoms got worse in 2022 and she died in sept 2022.


She is 1st born child

2nd degree consanguineous marriage


Father has no idea about immunisation status

Menstrual history 

Not attained menarche .


Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 

Well oriented to time place and person

Patient examined in well lit room

Pallor present

Icterus absent

Cyanosis absent

Clubbing absent

Lymphadenopathy absent

Edema present


Temperature: afebrile 

Bp 130\80mmhg 

Pulse rate 110 bpm regular, normal volume

Respiratory rate 32 cpm

Sp02 99%.




Shape - slight distention.

Umbilicus - Inverted

No visible pulsation,peristalsis, dilated veins and localized swellings.


soft, tenderness in right and left Hypochondrium, epigastrium.


 Shifting dullness present


Bowel sounds heard

No bruit or venous hum


Bilateral air entry present

Dull not

Vocal resonance decrease.


S1 s2 heard, no murmur

Pericardial rub is present 

JVP Raised 


No focal neurological deficits.

Higher mental functions-normal

Cranial nerves-normal

Sensory examination-normal.

Motor examination normal

Reflexes normal


Spot urine sodium 166mmol/l

Spot urinary potassium 20.5


pH 7.4

Pc02 14.9 mm hg 

P02 79.8mm hg

Hc03 9.2 mmol/l

O2 saturation 96%

Serum electrolytes on 14\3:

Sodium 136 meq/lcc

Potassium 4.4 mEq/l

Chloride 106 meq/l

Serum creatinine 0.6mg/dl

Esr 70 mm

CRP neagtive

Blood urea 29 mg\dl

FBS 100 mg\dl

Blood group 0+

Rheumatoid factor negative

HIV non reactive

Hbs ag non reactive

Urine examination:

Colour pale yellow

Appearance clear


Specific gravity 1.010

Albumin ++

No sugar, bile salts, bile pigments, rbc, crystals, casts, amorphous deposits

Pus cells 3 to4 \hpf

Epithelial cells 2 to 3 \hpf

X-ray chest:

Cardiac enlargement 

On usg

Liver,gallbladder,pancreas,spleen, uterus,ovaries normal

Moderate ascites

Bilateral pleural effusion

Moderate pericardial effusion

Bilateral grade 2 rpd change


Hb 7.5 g\dl

WBC 4200 cells\cumm

Neutrophils 60

Lymphocytes 36

Eosinophils 02

Monocytes 02

Basophils 0

Pcv 24.6 vol%

Mch 76.4 fl

Mchc 30.5%

Rdw 20.6 %

Rbc count 3.2 million\cumm

Platelet 1.57 laksh\cumm

Smear normocytic normochromic anemia

On 15\3

Serum creatinine 1.0 mg\dl

Sodium 1.37 meq\l

Potassium 4.7

Chloride 104

Spot urine protein 393 mg\dl

Spot urine creat 37.8 mg\dl

Fever chart:


Automimmune disease (most probably SLE)

Glomerulonephritis secondary to lupus 


Fluid restriction 

Salt restriction

Inj lasix 40mg IV BD

Inj monocef 1gm IV BD

Inj Methyl prednisolone 250mg in 100ml NS IV OD

Tab Aldactone 25mg PO OD

Tab shelcal 500mg PO OD.


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